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Below The Surface

Answers That Go Deeper

A Deeper Look into Manholes

Here's what you need to know.

What are manholes?

A manhole, sometimes referred to as an inspection chamber, is an access point to underground assets like sewer lines and chambers. While their primary function is to act as an access point for inspection or cleaning, manholes are also important junction points for different sewer lines that may be located at different depths below the surface.

The perforated, street-facing cover that comes to mind when we think of the word manhole is a critical ventilation point for any sewer system. Underneath the cover, manholes typically feature ladders, benches or steps to aid in entry.









Why are they important?

Sewer systems have miles of pipes to inspect, maintain and repair. None of that can happen if you ignore one of the most visible, yet easily overlooked, parts of the sewer system: the manhole. 

When you’re in the field, the manhole is the front door to your office. Any defect at the point of entry will slow you down—meaning lost productivity and more hours exposing your people to traffic. Keeping manholes in proper working order is the logical first step in making sure your operation runs smoothly.

What does CUES know about them?

There are two important things to know about manholes: 


1. They can be hard to inspect with the naked eye

Anytime you’re working below the surface, darkness, limited field of view, and water are major impediments in assessing the safety of any length of pipe, and it’s no different in a manhole. Fortunately, CUES’ commitment to giving you the tools to inspect manholes is also no different than our dedication to sewer inspection. We have the manhole scanners and manhole inspection software you need to make sure you know what’s in a manhole before anyone climbs down.They can be hard to inspect with the naked eye

2. They’re prone to the same kinds of damage as a sewer line

Much like any other section of pipe underground, manholes are subject to failure–either because of the wear and tear of water and pressure or because of cross bores [link] and other intrusions. Since manholes are such critical access points, finding and repairing any potential damage directly impacts your ability to inspect and maintain the rest of your system. Accurate 3D manhole inspection and data recording systems will help save time, expense and lost man hours. 


Your livelihood depends on a readily-available, well maintained manhole. By making sure that these extremely important holes in the ground are in proper working order, CUES is dedicated to helping you do your job better and safer.