Easy Grout
Computerized Grout Control System

Equipment Categories
Easy Grout consolidates all valves and electrical controls.
- The Easy Grout graphical user interface (GUI) leads you intuitively through the grouting process.
- Easy Grout grouting system includes help files and tool tip descriptions to assist new users, which reduces training time.
- Automated entry logic provides recommended settings for the grouting process automatically.
- Because the grout panel is now computer user interface, it can be located virtually anywhere a computer connection, wired or wireless, can be made.
Features & Benefits:
- Modern look and feel of the computer interface makes grouting more appealing to new users.
- Graphical, real-time, trending, display of void pressure aids in the grouting process by allowing the operator to “see” what is happening in the void, making the grouting process much easier to perform.
- Automatic calculation of recommended settings based on field conditions and pipe size makes it easier to set up and get to work.
- Automatic totalization of grout volumes pumped per joint and per job eases the job of recording information.
- The wall mounted, replaceable, control cabinet makes for easy maintenance access and repair. In the event of a system failure, a new cabinet can be replaced in the field by the customer to get back up and running quickly.
- The modularity of the system allows the user to operate the grout equipment from another vehicle or use a wireless controller.
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